Please study the imperative and complete as many of the exercises as you can on pages 184 - 187.
Learn how to conjugate the verbs like "sortir" on page 189.
Please study the vocabulary on pages 175 - 176 and 178 - 179 in the book.
Also, please complete (again) exercises A, B and C on pages 182 - 183. It might be a good idea to re-watch the first 27 minutes and 30 seconds of our movie. Finally, please translate the following sentences to French: 1. Who organizes your trip to France? 2. Who do you buy this gift for? 3. What do you think about this book? 4. Who will stay on the boat when we go to the restaurant? 5. What are they talking about? 6. What did you just say? Please complete as many of the exercises as you can on our big review sheet consulting our textbook as necessary.
May 2019
Bellingham Language School |