1. Please keep studying the new vocabulary on pages 281, 283 and 284. 2. Learn the negative structures "ne... rien" and "ne... personne" on pages 288 - 289 and complete the activities on page 290.
1. Study the new vocabulary on pages 281, 283 and 284.
2. Read about the negative structures "ne... rien" and "ne... personne" on pages 288 - 289. 3. Review the irregular verbs on 273 and complete activities A, B and C on pages 274 - 275 in the book if you haven't done so yet. 4. Watch again our movie from 39:30" to 42:20" and bring to class this worksheet . Please complete the last exercise on this handout. Learn the irregular verbs on 273 and complete activities A, B and C on pages 274 - 275 in the book.
Watch our movie from 39:30" to 42:20", complete the activities and read the text on this worksheet. Please review the conjugation of the "imparfait"; read the grammar and complete the activities on pages 270 - 271 in our book.
May 2019
Bellingham Language School |