Please study the new vocabulary on pages 175 - 176 and 178.
Study the -re ending verbs and complete activities A, B and C on pages 181 - 183.
1. Please study the irregular verbs on pages 165 - 166 and complete the exercises on page 167.
2. Review the useful expressions on pages 153 - 154. 3. Print out the next chapter of our book and have it ready in your folder for next class (if you don't have yet the book). 4. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the indirect object pronouns:
Please study the indirect object pronouns and try to complete exercises A -C on pages 161 - 163 in the book.
Complete exercises C, D and F on our new handout. Please continue studying the new vocabulary on pages 151 - 153 in the book.
Read about "L'article partitif et les expressions de quantité" on pages 156 - 158. If you feel confident you can try to complete the exercises on pages 159 - 160. 1. Watch the next episode of our film that goes from 21:18" to 23:50", complete exercises A and B and read the paragraph about Alex on this document that accompanies the film.
2. Study the new vocabulary on pages 151 - 153 in the book. 3. Complete the exercises on pages 127-128 on the separate handout I gave you at the end of last class. 1. Please study the verbs and complete the exercises on pages 139 - 141 in the book.
2. Finish the exercises on the handout we started in class with the verbs "pouvoir" and "vouloir" (pages 123-124). 1. Please study the interrogative pronouns on page 143 in the book and complete exercises C, D and E on this handout.
2. Study the conjugation of the verbs "pouvoir" and "vouloir" on page 136. If you have the time, you can try the exercises on pages 137 - 138. |
Bellingham Language School |