1. Please complete exercises 5 and 6 on our worksheet.
2. Write a story based on these images paying attention to the use of past tenses. This Chrome extension lets you learn a new language by watching Netflix. Please study the conjugation of the "trapassato prossimo" on page 204 in the book.
On our worksheet complete exercise 3 on the bottom of third page and exercises 1 and 2 on page 4. 1. Please study grammar point 2 on pages 201 - 202 in the book.
2. Complete the second page of exercises and the two exercises "2" on the third page of our worksheet choosing between the imperfetto and the passato prossimo. 3. Read the dialogue and study the vocabulary on pages 194 - 195 in the book. 1. Please read grammar point 1 and complete exercises A, B and C on pages 201 - 202 in the book.
2. Complete the first page of our new worksheet using the imperfetto. Please write about 5 statements for each category making one of them false. 1. Please write 5-10 sentences using the adverbs form the list we completed in class.
2. Write a love story using the list of reflexive / reciprocal verbs on the other side of the handout. 3. Study the conjugation of the imperfetto on page 198 in the book. Please review the reflexive verbs in chapter 8 in the book. Prepare to talk about your spring break activities/adventures in class.
December 2024
Bellingham Language School |