1. Per favore studiate i verbi "sapere" e "conoscere" alla pagina 137.
2. Leggete "Chi viene a cena stasera" alle pagine 138 - 139. 3. Traducete le frasi di "Come si dice in italiano?" alla pagina141.
Please study the irregular verbs and complete the exercises on pages 134 - 135 on our handout.
Start studying also the irregular verbs on page 136 and if you have the time the verbs "sapere" and "conoscere" on page 137. Please read the dialogue on the first page of this new handout. Study the possessive adjectives and pronouns and complete the remaining exercises on the second and third pages.
(I gave you the second and third pages of this handout in class. Please print out all the other pages and bring them to next class.) 1. Please study "i pronomi diretti" and complete the exercises on pages 118 - 119.
2. Read "La settimana di Filippo" on pages 119 - 120. 3. Translate the sentences of "Come si dice in italiano" on page 123. |
Bellingham Language School |