Please study and complete as many exercises as you can manage on pages 184 - 187 and pages 188 - 190.
Please keep studying the vocabulary on pages 178 - 179 in the book. Complete exercises B and C on page 183. To further practice the "-re" ending verbs please also translate the following sentences from English to French. You might need to use indirect object pronouns a couple of times:
1. When we go to the supermarket we always take the metro. We get off at the Saint-Georges plaza. 2. When I ask: "Do you sell croissants here?" the baker answers kindly: "Of course, madame, and chocolate rolls too." 3. When Louise doesn't hear well Camille repeats to her the question. 4. I lose patience when ten people are waiting at the cash register (la caisse) and I have very little time. 5. Many women are waiting for the prince charming. 6. When are you visiting your grandparents? 7. We sell them our house for this price if they pay cash. 8. They descend very fast with their skis when the conditions are good. 9. Rachid gives her back her book after two weeks. 10. I don't hear you well, the connection is bad. Please study the vocabulary on pages 175 - 176 and 178 - 179 in the book. Please also learn the conjugation of the "-re" ending verbs on pages 181 - 182. If you have the extra time and energy you can start working on the exercises on page 183 (and don't feel bad if you don't). But! Before you do that please translate the following sentences using the indirect object pronouns.
Please study the indirect object pronouns on pages 161 - 162 and complete exercises B and C on page 163 in the textbook. To further practice the pronouns I recommend completing as many of the exercises as you can on pages 147 - 148 in the workbook. Please also read the paragraph about Louise and complete exercises A and B on these film related pages.
December 2024
Bellingham Language School |